Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just in the mood to try and share something.

I've been working on many things this last month or so. Some for gifts, some as orders and some for me. I've made cowls (which I think I like the big ones I can cover my head with better than hats and scarfs) and vests, and fingerless clothes, and hats and scarves and infinity scarves.

I also made a true mobius scarf that I tried very hard to take a picture of myself wearing today. It did not go well but I put so much effort into it that I feel the need to post one just because I spent so much time on it. With my work schedule to day, I do not have more time to invest.

So, here is the poorly done picture. It makes the scarf look bulgier than it seems to be. It is made out of a sport weight yarn, and a bit stretchy. The yarn is a gala yarn that I happened across at Big Lots so I know I can't find it in regular stores or order it.


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